Asheville Music and Art
697-C Haywood Road West Asheville
(next to Ingles)

Phone: (828) 258-0721
Hours: Mon-Thurs: 10-6 Fri: 10-5 Sat: 10-3 email

treble clefMusic Department treble clef

art departmentArt Department

White Rock Designs

White Rock Designs

Handmade,One-of-a Kind, Original Jewelry

*Brand New!! Styles, colors, and designs. *

email for ordering or suggestions!

Purchase WhiteRock Designs Jewelry on ETSY now!


hand-painted or ribbon-wrapped

many more styles available in store!

$10 each

Violin Bridge Necklaces

Real wood violin bridges converted to necklace centerpieces.

More styles and colors available in store.

$20.00 each

Examples of Beaded Jewlery

Asheville Music and Art � 2008

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