Asheville Music and Art
697-C Haywood Road West Asheville
(next to Ingles)

Phone: (828) 258-0721
Hours: Mon-Thurs: 10-6 Fri: 10-5 Sat: 10-3 email

treble clefMusic Department treble clef

art departmentArt Department

White Rock Designs


      email  or call for availability on all piano lessons.

Lula Meulenberg:

I graduated from O.D.U. in 1980 and began teaching school. In 1982, my family and I moved to NC. We purchased Asheville Music and Art in 2004 where I continue to love teaching piano. I have been teaching for 38 years, I teach in a variety of styles such as: classics, pop, jazz, church music, etc. I teach how to read music, play by ear or by chords, and how to ad lib (add your own notes to the music you see). I enjoy teaching all ages and all levels. 

Rates: $80.00 per Month for one 30 min. lesson per week.

Heather Meulenberg:

I come from a musical family, and music has always been a big part of my life. I have taken piano lessons from my mother, Lula Meulenberg, for 15 years. I love teaching and enjoy coming up with new methods and ideas. My family owns Asheville Music & Art, a music store God has given us to bless all of Asheville with His wonderful gift of music.

Rates: $80.00 per Month for one 30 minute lesson per week. 

$60.00 per month for lessons before 2:30pm

Suzan Fehr

Suzan Fehr:

Suzan Fehr moved from Louisiana to Asheville in 1975. She received her musical education at Our Lady of the Lake University, Texas Western, and Louisiana State University. She is an active member of the National Federation of Music Clubs and currently teaches piano at our store.

Practice Rooms

Asheville Music and Art � 2008

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